Business challenges are one of the best ways to improve your Sales Network Management process.

In an indirect distribution, resellers have to manage different brands, so your aim is to influence resellers to preconize your own offer. Then a business challenge allows to focus your sales force on a common objective in a short time and consequently increase your revenue.

By using digital tools, you can control all animation steps and create a permanent link with your resellers. Inform them on your offer, discount, use cases etc.… Like you can do with your own sales force.

Create a link with your resellers, this is the best communication

One of the success keys of your Sales Network Management, is a good engagement rate of your resellers!

1 – Launch a Challenge

Align a business challenge launch with your partner’s enterprise communication. It’ll increase the message’s impact. And to maintain the impact, use a dedicated digital platform and define a strategy of emailing.

2 – Communicate on results during the Challenge

Digital platforms permit a communication in real time during business challenge duration. You are able to manage your sales network and animate resellers with performance indicators. By this way, you can valorise them and resellers can interact between themselves like a social network. Then you increase engagement and interest on your business challenges.

Digital Tools change your sales network management

Resellers are very sought, so they need to be surprised and seduced by your business challenges.

By using digital supports, you can adapt and customize according to your partners. And mainly, you bring them attractive and different visuals.

With agile digital tools, you can organize boosters, blitz, quiz or games in order to maintain engagement. This digital link will contribute to the success of your sales network management : this is more collaborative.

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