Turn your Employees into Heroes!

Accelerate your growth by boosting your employee commitment

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Why and how to motivate your employees

Motivation is one of the greatest mysteries of human behaviour! In our daily lives, it is what drives us to act when nothing or no one requires us to.

Increase employee motivation

Companies are beginning to focus seriously on this issue as their employee commitment rate is particularly low.

They note with regret that the cost of such demotivation is far from negligible. According to the opinion poll research company, Gallup, lack of commitment in the workplace costs US companies between 450 and 550 billion dollars a year. By extrapolation, we can estimate such cost at 60 billion euros for the French economy. (Source)

Consequently, companies are trying to gain a greater understanding of their motivation drivers because employee motivation automatically generates a positive impact on productivity and performance.

The manager’s role is to steer and boost his team’s performance. He should bring three main factors into play:

  • Skills
  • Targets
  • Motivation

But how do you influence your team’s motivation?

Recognition at work

Some studies, or our own personal experience, have shown that recognition at work is one of the first employee motivation factors. We have all experienced this, the feeling that the work you have accomplished is truly appreciated automatically induces a feeling of well-being, a desire to excel or even to surpass oneself. This is an example of intrinsic motivation.

Organization of Challenges/Incentives

The incentive or challenge aims to encourage the employee to go the extra mile in the short term, in exchange for a reward.

When organizing an incentive/challenge, the criteria selected must correspond to the individual employee’s or team’s targets.

Through our expertise, we have noticed that there is definitely a correlation between motivation and measurable targets, whether these targets are substantial or simple, measurable, acceptable, realistic or temporary (within a set time).


Create and manage challenges to motivate your employees

We have also observed that challenges which are the right blend between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation will turn your employees into heroes!

Livre blanc à télécharger et si vous gériez vos challenges autrement

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5 reasons for automating challenge-management

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