Reward Process Blog
Our advice to unleash the potential of your teams!Sales Network Management : Create a digital link with your resellers threw Challenges
Business challenges are one of the best ways to improve your Sales Network Management process. In an indirect distribution, resellers have to manage different brands, so your aim is to influence resellers to preconize your own offer. Then a business challenge allows...
How to motivate a sales team
In direct contact with clients and prospects, sales teams are the pillars of many businesses. It is therefore crucial to know how to constantly motivate your sales staff in order to develop your business. Without high-performing employees, your whole company may face...
Do you know Motivation 3.0 ?
MOTIVATION 3.0 ! This is a term used by the well-known writer, Daniel PINK, who develops, in his book, “Drive”, three types of motivation: version 1.0 to version 3.0. We would like to share his thinking with you and recommend his book as holiday reading 🙂 More...
Motivating through challenges !
MOTIVATE, ENCOURAGE, RETAIN AND REWARD Reward Process proposes a web platform which can be customized in just a few clicks, in order to facilitate the implementation of your business challenges, while allowing regular monitoring and animation. The multi-lingual...